30 Nov 2023

Open, Reproducible and Transparent Science in Ecology

One week in Norway for Lucie.

Last November, Lucie headed to Hjerkinn (Norway) for a one-week course on Open, Reproducible and Transparent Science in Ecology. Alongside experts from Living Norway, she gained new skills in open science, data management and standards (e.g. FAIR, CARE), and reproducible workflows. She was introduced to new methods, technologies, and open-source tools to producing more open, reproducible, and transparent research, as a way to improve the efficiency, quality and credibility of science. Now back in Belgium, she is eager to applying these skills in her own research and share them with colleagues. Of course, Lucie also took advantage of her time in Hjerkinn to learn more about reindeer management in Norway with a visit to the Wild Reindeer Centre and breathtaking hikes in the Dovre area reindeer call home!