

Facebook page of the ULiège herbarium
Facebook page of the ULiège master in conservation biology and biodiversity management
Website of the "Pôle muséal" of the University of Liège and the page presenting the herbarium.
Rejouisciences, sciences outreach by the University of Liège.
Database platform of the ULiège herbarium


BioGeoNet, taxonomic and biogeographic database created by Claude Dopagne and co-hosted by ULiège and Natagriwal.
Natagriwal, long-term collaborators working closely with farmers on implementing conservation measures in farmland in Wallonia.


Lichens of Belgium, Luxemburg and Northern France
Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria
French Association of Lichenology (Association Française de Lichénologie, AFL)
OLLichen project: air quality measurement in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
Lichens connecting people! (Facebook Page)
Website of International Assocation for Lichenology (IAL)
Lutzoni lab website with many useful resources.


T-BAS: Tree-Based Alignment Selector toolkit v2.1.1
CIPRES: The Science Gateway


Introduction aux arbres et arbustes de Belgique