Welcome Margaux, new PhD student!
Working on behavioral ecology of jackdaws (Corvidae) !

Congratulations Margaux! Margaux Vanhussel was hired as an assistant in the Department of Biology, Ecology, Evolution (ULiège). This is a collaboration between BEC lab (N. Magain), Dr. Fany Brotcorne (Behavioral biology, ULiège), Dr. Alice Mouton, and Prof. Alex Thornton (University of Exeter, UK). Margaux will work on the impact of the urban environment on jackdaws (Corvus monedula). She works on comparing several traits in three jackdaw populations along an urban-rural gradient in Cornwall, UK. For urban individuals, she will determine if parents' investments are lower, if stress levels are lower, and compare their cognitive abilities. She will also determine whether there is a difference in genetic diversity in urban populations. She will also be involved in teaching labs and field courses in the department. Way to go!