Our PhD students go to FLORAMAC
An International symposium on the Macaronesian flora
FloraMac is a 5 days congress on the Macaronesian flora. Every three years it takes place in a different location with this year edition on the island of La Gomera, Canary Islands. Macaronesia is a group of four archipelagos: the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Lea Mouton and Sébastien Mirolo were invited to present their current project about Beta diversity across geographic scales and lineages and about island disharmony and the origin of the Macaronesian bryophyte community, respectively. They had the opportunity to meet great researchers and learn more about the flora of islands and oceanic islands theories. In addition, they have been enjoying the beautiful landscape of this magnificent Canarian island. Because of its rich biodiversity and its high endemism rate, La Gomera was awarded Biosphere Reserve.